This is the preliminary report submitted by planning staff in response to the zoning amendment application in question:
Earlier, GDNA members received a notice about a meeting at Metro Hall on December 5th (this coming Monday).
Read the notice ... meeting_notice_2016-12-05.pdf The second item on that agenda, at 7PM, for 422-424 Wellington Street West, is generating a lot of attention and warranted opposition. Although this particular development is not within GDNA boundaries, residents of our area are likely to be familiar with the special nature of Wellington Street West and to appreciate how this proposal is inappropriate in this setting. For this reason, neighbouring communities are being asked to come out to the December 5th meeting and support a campaign of opposition to the proposal. Read about this campaign ... 422-424_wellington_poster.pdf The developer is the same Brad Lamb whom the GDNA is challenging at the OMB for his proposal at 452 Richmond Street West (the James). He also owns several of the lots on the south side of Camden Street between the condo at 29 Camden and the future Ace Hotel at 51 Camden … so we are likely to interface with his applications again in the future. Details about the proposed development at 422-424 Wellington Street West can be accessed via the Supporting Documentation link in the sidebar. |