Thank you for subscribing to the GDNA mailing list … for being our Friend. We hope that you have found the subscription useful and, as a result, that you have become involved in some of the issues our community is facing.
If you appreciate our efforts and achievements ( you might just consider stepping up your own engagement and becoming a Member of the GDNA. From the mailing address you provided us at the time of your current subscription, we note that you reside within the GDNA catchment area (Queen/King/Spadina/Bathurst). If indeed you are a resident at that address, we would like to invite you into our association.
GDNA Members meet on a regular basis, vote on issues that have the potential to influence outcomes in our community, receive special invites to closed events, share opinions and comments with other Members via a Google Group, and (if interested) are given posting rights on our website and other social media. The price for a 2019 membership is only $25. Fees cover operational (mostly website and corporate) expenses for the organization and contribute towards costs supporting worthy causes in the neighbourhood including those incurred at LPAT hearings.
With the number of issues facing our neighbourhood, the GDNA is currently focussed on a membership drive to increase our numbers and extend our influence. We hope you entertain the idea of becoming a Member yourself and even consider sharing our information within your sphere of neighbourhood friends and contacts with the objective of recruiting them also.
Becoming a Member is easily done. From our website (, navigate to the CONNECT page and click the “Join” button. The $25 fee is payable via Paypal or major credit cards.
If you appreciate our efforts and achievements ( you might just consider stepping up your own engagement and becoming a Member of the GDNA. From the mailing address you provided us at the time of your current subscription, we note that you reside within the GDNA catchment area (Queen/King/Spadina/Bathurst). If indeed you are a resident at that address, we would like to invite you into our association.
GDNA Members meet on a regular basis, vote on issues that have the potential to influence outcomes in our community, receive special invites to closed events, share opinions and comments with other Members via a Google Group, and (if interested) are given posting rights on our website and other social media. The price for a 2019 membership is only $25. Fees cover operational (mostly website and corporate) expenses for the organization and contribute towards costs supporting worthy causes in the neighbourhood including those incurred at LPAT hearings.
With the number of issues facing our neighbourhood, the GDNA is currently focussed on a membership drive to increase our numbers and extend our influence. We hope you entertain the idea of becoming a Member yourself and even consider sharing our information within your sphere of neighbourhood friends and contacts with the objective of recruiting them also.
Becoming a Member is easily done. From our website (, navigate to the CONNECT page and click the “Join” button. The $25 fee is payable via Paypal or major credit cards.