At the October 10th meeting of the Toronto and East York Community Council, the City presented this report recommending approval of the amended rezoning application for the properties at 96 Spadina Avenue and 379, 383, 385 and 391 Adelaide Street West. This is the summary:
At the same meeting, the properties at 96 Spadina, 379 Adelaide West and 383 Adelaide West were earmarked for designation "under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in accordance with the Statement of Significance (Reasons for Designation)".
At the May 2nd session of the Toronto and East York Community Council, City Planning submitted this appraisal of the application for the site at 96 Spadina. The report contains a long list of "Issues to be Resolved" but hopefully they can be addressed without destroying what appears to be a creative solution to heritage preservation.
Read the report here: When: April 30th at 6:30 PM
Where: Metro Hall, John Street, Room 308 Click here to access information contained in the flyer. To preview information (including planning rationale and architectural drawings) on this proposal, take the sidebar exit to "Supporting Documentation". This session will end at 7:30 PM at which time a second meeting is scheduled to introduce a development proposal for 544 King West. This is definitely an imposing structure proposed for the SW corner of Spadina and Adelaide. But what makes it interesting is the underlying concept, described in their "Planning Rationale" document found via the link on our sidebar. I have extracted here four pages from that document that demonstrate the architectural approach being taken to preserve not just the facades but the two existing heritage buildings intact. Another interesting aspect of the proposal is the accomodation for pedestrian movement. Back in June 2017, the GDNA was invited to a pre-application consultation meeting at which this point was raised by local residents. Given these plans, the Spadina/Brant/Adelaide/King block promises to be very porous.
Local residents were invited to a pre-application meeting on June 27th regarding this site which sits on the south west corner of Adelaide and Spadina, consisting of a heritage building at 97 Spadina Avenue (familiar as the Dollarama store), another heritage building at 379 Adelaide and two unremarkable buildings at 391 Adelaide. The plan is to keep both heritage structures intact (no facadism here) and to erect, at the 391 address, a new construction that complements the older pair. To stack new construction on top of heritage structures requires some creative engineering, described here in this account by |
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