Below is a link to the report that will be considered at the Toronto and East York Community Council meeting on June 14, 2016. Be sure to request an opportunity to speak at the meeting or to submit your written comments by referencing these instructions.
Summary The applicant proposes to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the construction of a 13-storey (49.8 metres, including mechanical penthouse) hotel development at 49 to 51 Camden Street. The proposal includes 130 hotel suites, a lower-level restaurant, a hotel lobby, a gymnasium, hotel-related meeting rooms, and a penthouse lounge. The total gross floor area proposed is 7,918 square metres. No vehicular parking spaces and 39 bicycle parking spaces are proposed. City Planning Staff have reviewed the application against applicable policies and guidelines and do not believe that in its current form the application conforms to the Official Plan policies. City Planning Staff require modifications to the proposed built form, and the applicant is in agreement with these modifications. The report reviews and recommends approval of the Zoning By-Law Amendment application with revisions to the proposed built form as outlined in this report and reflected in the attached draft zoning by-laws. This approval is also subject to a number of conditions as detailed in the recommendations. Detail