Yearly at its AGM of 600 members, Tourism Toronto presents a "Presidents' Award" to recognize organizations and individuals outside the tourism sector that have helped to create an improved business environment for the tourist and meeting industry.
This year, on November 9th, this award went to GRAFFITI ALLEY and by extension to the Queen Street West BIA, the GDNA (represented by myself), The Laneway Project and a representative of all the laneway artists that give "canvas and colour to the spaces in between". The AGM was held at the Metro Convention Centre. Rick Mercer sent a pre-recorded thanks / congratulations message. At the reception immediately following, some of the graffiti artists demonstrated their skills. And it was through them that I learned about Toronto Collective, a store that caters to the graffiti community. Because the GDNA has no "home" to speak of, it is our pleasure to give our statue up for adoption to Toronto Collective where all their artist/clients can experience a sense of acceptance and pride in knowing that their efforts are indeed appreciated.
Congratulations to the Healthy Butcher for winning Best Butcher in Now Magazine's Readers' Choice 'Best of Toronto 2017'! It takes a village to make a success like this. The quality of selection and great staff with savvy shoppers have helped make this a destination spot . Kudos to all!
July 2024
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